Backend training

Backend training

明天2pm  Tom Wu 會給web ui team上課training backend.

這是agenda. 我會用skype加上screen recording. 之後可以放上zfs分享


rest and graphql: https://www.howtographql.com/

front end lib: https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-angular

backend lib: nodejs, express, apollo server : https://github.com/graphcool/graphql-yoga

actual example:

portal client #9 and #10

• design overview
○ layered/modulized: schema, models, butlers, shell, resolvers, server
○ progressive result
• python script to return partial results progressively
○ current way: multiple results through pipe with progress number (0-1)
• pub/sub mechanism
○ to fully support graphql subscription feature, pub/sub design/mechanism is needed
○ options:
redis: simple and powerful way
others: MQTT, RabbitMQ, Kafka, zeromq (dead?), surgemq, paho
breakdown report example
○ polling restful api for easier first stage implementation

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